This section contains conversion forms to download and complete.
We assess each vehicle individually, so we do need to get some information from you in order to provide our service.
If you know the document you wish to download, please select it from the options below.
Once you’ve completed it, simply email or post to us and, for all vehicle downrates, a recent weight ticket obtained from a public weighbridge .
For motorhome downrates:
– You will first need a weight ticket.
If the unladen/empty weight of the motorhome is greater than 3100kg, we will also require the below confirmation sheet completing with the details of what you had in the motorhome when it was weighed. This in addition to the application form, and should be returned with a copy of the weight ticket.
Please click here for the confirmation sheet.
– useful info to help you with downrating – Can I downrate my motorhome fact sheet
If you would like assistance with completing any of the forms please contact us on +44 (0) 1772 621800 or

Motorhome Conversion Forms for uprates/downrates

2 Axle Commercial Vehicle Enquiry Form
3 Axle Commercial Vehicle Enquiry Form

Minibus / SPV Conversion Form